30 Winter St. Suite 800
Boston, Massachusetts 02108

Has the approaching Holiday season got you juggling too many things and running out of time? Then come join Socializing for Justice (www.sojust.org) for a Time Management Skillshare on December 6th, 6:00 - 8:30 PM at GLAD*.

You may have noticed that Socializing for Justice is not an issue-based organization. We host events that draw progressives of all stripes that are like-minded but not necessarily like-identified. Our philosophy focuses on creating social spaces that allow for the possibility of cross-issue connections, discussion spaces that challenge our myopic view of the world and now we're introducing skillshares which will support all of us desiring to make a difference in the world. Newcomers always welcomed!

We're very excited that Hillary Rettig, author of The Lifelong Activist: How to Change the World Without Losing Your Way, has agreed to facilitate this training. Below is the workshop description:

Time Management
This workshop begins with a discussion of how time should be viewed and valued; why one needs to manage it; and how successful people tend to view and use time. Then we move onto the five foundational principles of time management, and contrast examples of managed and unmanaged time schedules. We then discuss right and wrong ways to use time, lifestyles that support and inhibit success, and techniques for budgeting and tracking your time. We also discuss how to set priorities; how to decide and maintain boundaries; and how to “create” time through delegation and other techniques. Finally, we discuss tips for sticking to your schedule, and dealing with unsupportive people. After the workshop, many participants report being more productive and less stressed.

6:00-6:30 Socializing - bring your own dinner
6:30-8:00 Training
8:00-8:30 Q & A and more socializing

RSVP at www.sojust.org
COST: $5-10 at the door

*IMPORTANT DIRECTIONS (so you can easily find us!): Winter Street is one block long between Tremont Street (Park St T) and Washington Street (Downtown Crossing T). The entrance to GLAD is on Winter Place an alleyway off Winter Street next to Sovereign Bank. Very limited parking nearby - best to use Boston Common Garage - driving not recommended. GLAD is physically accessible - there is a microwave and water cooler.

Hillary Rettig is a writer, coach and workshop leader who specializes in helping people:
1) increase their productivity (especially, writing productivity), and overcome blocks
2) improve their time use
3) find jobs, and build more meaningful and satisfying careers, and
4) start and grow businesses.
Hillary has spoken before hundreds of audiences across the nation in the activist, arts, community, small business and corporate realms; and in each realm finds wisdom and insight to bring to the others. She has also appeared on national and local television and radio programs, and been quoted in many national and local newspapers.You can read more about her and her work at www.hillaryrettig.com

Hope you'll join us for this and future skillshares. Is there a skill you want to learn? Is there one you can offer? Let us know!

YES, WE MEAN YOU. We've got members of all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, levels of activism and professions. We hope you see someone like yourself and meet someone you otherwise wouldn't have.

Want to connect outside of SoJust events? Members can view and post events, job & volunteer announcements, roommate searches, etc. on the 'Message Board' at http://www.sojust.org.

Follow us on Twitter: @SoJust and @RobbieSamuels (SoJust's co-founder)

Socializing for Justice - http://www.sojust.org
Since 2006, we've been building this great sandbox where we can bring progressives of all stripes together and try out new ideas in this "Movement Moment". Spaces like this are crucial as we start to reframe and build new visions for our movement(s).

With 1500 members and 4+ years of creating a diverse cross-issue community in Boston, Socializing for Justice is the best place to find the great people, organizations and community you're looking for while putting the SOCIAL back in social justice.

Official Website: http://www.sojust.org/calendar/15463726/

Added by robinsj2010 on November 24, 2010

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