89 South Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02111

Do you want to master integrating your media message across multiple channels (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, email)? Join Socializing for Justice for a Skillshare on Leveraging Social Media for Social Change on April 4, 6:00 - 8:30 PM.

SoJust hosts events that draw progressives of all stripes that share common values but may work on different issues. We create social spaces that allow for the possibility of cross-issue connections and run a Skillshare Series, hosted by The NonProfit Center*, which increases our individual capacity for movement building.

6:00-6:30 Socializing - bring your own dinner

6:30-8:00 Training

8:00-8:30 Q & A and more socializing

RSVP at www.SoJust.org - Newcomers always welcomed!

Event fee: $5-$10 cash at the door.

We're very excited that Amanda Johnston, integrated media guru at GLAD, has agreed to facilitate this training.

Leveraging Social Media for Social Change: Go beyond social media 101 and get some tips and tricks on using social media tools to further your organization’s mission. We’ll talk about how using social media for your organization differs from personal use (and in what ways it’s the same); negotiating resistance and barriers to social media use in your organization; and thoughts on creating a constructive social media policy. We’ll also cover some specific practices including:

* Customizing and targeting on Facebook

* Online advertising

* Video and benefits of the YouTube nonprofit partner program

* Twitter tips, tools and best practices

* Brand monitoring, dashboard tools and metrics

* Integrating social media with your organization’s other communication (website, email, print)


Amanda Johnston manages web, email, social media, multimedia and print communications at Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders. With a long-time passion for alternative media, she first discovered the power of the internet to create social change through her work with the grassroots media training center Women’s Access to Electronic Resources in Austin, TX in the mid-90s. She holds a Masters Degree in Media Studies from the University of Texas at Austin.

May Skillshare: Art of the Schmooze by Robbie Samuels

*DIRECTIONS - The NonProfit Center is located one block from South Station at 89 South Street. The Center is accessible through the main lobby to people who have restricted physical abilities.

Socializing for Justice - www.SoJust.org

Since 2006, we've been building this great sandbox where we can bring progressives of all stripes together and try out new ideas in this "Movement Moment". Spaces like this are crucial as we start to reframe and build new visions for our movement(s).

With almost 1700 members and 4 1/2 years of creating a diverse cross-issue community in Boston (90+ events!), Socializing for Justice is the best place to find the great people, organizations and community you're looking for while putting the SOCIAL back in social justice.

YES, WE MEAN YOU. We've got members of all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, levels of activism and professions. We hope you see someone like yourself and meet someone you otherwise wouldn't have.

Want to know more about SoJust? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions and past event photos!

Follow us on Twitter: @SoJust and @RobbieSamuels.

Official Website: http://sojust.org

Added by Socializingfor Justice on March 23, 2011