ANNOUNCING: SketchFest Seattle 2006!
A two-weekend festival of the finest sketch comedy groups from across the USA and Canada. Out of dozens of entrants, the SketchFest Jury and Artistic Director Val Bush have selected the top ten groups to perform in Seattle this September 7th through 16th at the Erickson Theatre Off Broadway, 1524 Harvard Ave. A brand new venue!
ABOUT SketchFest:
Started in 1999, SketchFest Seattle is the first non-profit theatre festival of its kind in North America, presenting the best sketch comedy groups from across the US and beyond. SketchFests have popped up in Vancouver BC, San Francisco, Chicago, Portland and most recently New York and Toronto. SketchFest Seattle is unique in that it selects its participants by a jury of local theatre professionals and comedic artists, ensuring only the finest, funniest and freshest sketch comedy!
What:SketchFest Seattle 2006
Where: Erickson Theatre Off Broadway (brand new venue!)
1524 Harvard Ave. (between Pike and Pine)
Dates:Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays
Two Weekends:
September 7, 8 & 9
September 14, 15 & 16
Times:Shows at 8:00pm on Thursdays. Shows at 8:00pm and 10:00pm on Fridays and Saturdays.(featuring two groups per show!)
Tickets: $15 for each show (featuring two groups)
Advanced tickets available at
Tickets are also available at the venue, day of show.
Official Website:
Added by valbush on August 31, 2006