1 Zoo Rd
San Francisco, California 94132

here's info directly from the flyer (http://enricocasarosa.com/images/wwsc12flyer.pdf )

SketchCrawl # 12

Come join us, as artists from all over the world put pen to paper for the 12th global drawing marathon on Dec. 9th!!

The San Francisco Chapter of SketchCrawl will be meeting at the S.F. Zoo enterance at 11:00am (Dec. 9th)

All levels of drawing experience are welcome!
Tell your friends!

You can take the MUNI line all the way to the zoo!

for more information:

Official Website: http://www.sketchcrawl.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1352&start=15

Added by subversve on November 27, 2006