Spike and Sarah is a sketch comedy threesome dedicated to providing laughter to immature mature audiences. The troupe consists of performers Spencer Reedy, Mike Malyar, and Sarah Kirwin who have been making audiences laugh individually on the Denver sketch and improv comedy scene for the past decade. They have been performing improv as Spike and Sarah for the past year and are presenting their first sketch comedy revue called “Oysters, Poles, and Beavers”.
“Oysters, Poles, and Beavers” is late night yet sophisticated sketch comedy that is guaranteed to leave audiences smiling. . . and feeling a little dirty. Prepare yourself for a mixed bag of sketches that walk the line between provocative and provocatively funny. Spike and Sarah bring their show to the Avenue Theater on Saturday, April 3rd, April 10th, and April 17th at 10:15 PM.
Official Website: http://www.spikeandsarah.com
Added by ImprovDenver on February 19, 2010