Bule Rijek will play their last gig (at least for awhile)
tomorrow. So we're throwing a big-ass BBQ, skate, rock'n'roll bash
which will only be more awesome if all you fine people are there.
Kicks off around 7pm -- the gig that is. But come by anytime in the
afternoon to hang out, BBQ, drink, skate, whateva.....
Open BBQ -- bring over anything you want to throw on the grill (no
Biawak please... I'm allergic).
7.00 Second Home
7.15 My Candy Bar
7.50 The Royality
8.05 Hip Hop Artist
8.35 The Sneakers
9.10 Bule Rijek
9.50 Devil Dice
10.25 Scared of Bums
Bring your skateboards and something to grill!
Added by Musikator on January 29, 2010