A Skate Party with Live Performances onstage in the Middle of the Rink! This month we're having Nique, another special guest, and an OPEN MIC! ALSO djsos spinning, a dance floor, BASKETBALL, arcades, food, and a lounge area... This rink is HOTT!!! (directions: 75 N to exit 72, right on Crooks North, 5 MILES to Right on Hamlin west, to Left on Livernois North, ITS BEHIND ROCHESTER HILLS COLLISION)
(bring id)
Date & Time: Saturday April 22 ,2006 - 8 PM - 11 PM
Venue: US Blades - 1700 South Livernois, Rochester Hills
Promoted By:
Age: All Ages
Music By:
Music Style:
Dress Code:
Email Contact: djsos@fpdj.com
URL : www.fpdj.com
Addl. Contact:
Added by MsPR on April 17, 2006