101 Harborside Dr
Boston, Massachusetts 02128

Sixth Annual Games for Health Conference May 25-27, Hyatt Harborside Boston. Exploring the role of interactive videogames in health and healthcare at the 2010 Games for Health Conference with more than 40 sessions covering topics such as global health, exergaming, surgery simulation, health education, cognitive and emotional health and more. Opening keynote May 26 by Dr. Richard Marks, Senior Researcher at Sony with additional keynotes by Chaim Gingold, independent game developer, noted for his design work with the computer game Spore and Dr. John Lumpkin, Senior Vice President, Health Care at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The conference will also feature multiple game demos, provide important networking opportunities, and offer opportunities to develop new projects and improve existing efforts that apply game solutions to health and health care challenges. The Games for Health Conference is part of Games Beyond Entertainment Week, with pre-conference workshops May 25, including Games Accessibility Day, Virtual Worlds and Health Day and Mobile Serious Games Day. The Games for Health Conference is held in partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Pioneer Portfolio, with additional funding support provided by Microsoft, IGDA, Virtual Heroes and others. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit: http://www.gamesforhealth.org.

Official Website: http://www.gamesforhealth.org

Added by elise.communications on April 12, 2010

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