Our Black Belt training is executed in two 40-hour courses. The second course of the Six Sigma Black Belt Certificate focuses on the project implementation cycle covered in the Black Belt training such as:
• Measurement systems analysis (ensuring reliability of data to be analyzed)
• Testing for data normality and normality transforms
• Formal Null and Alternative Hypotheses
• Hypothesis testing tools, including Chi-square, t-tests, F- tests, ANOVA and Mood's median
• Correlation and regression tools, including simple linear, multiple and logistic regression
• Design of Experiments to assess the impact of key variables and optimize process performance
• Advanced control planning and various forms of control charts
Note: Black Belt participants should be comfortable with mathematical calculations and basic use of spreadsheet software. Each participant should come with a laptop computer pre-installed with a designated statistical analysis software package for use during in-class exercises
Register on/or before February 26, 2010, and receive a 10% Early Bird Discount.*
A 10% discount is also available for Cal Poly Pomona Students, Faculty and Staff (w/Cal Poly Pomona ID). This discount offer is valid through March 5, 2010. Please call the CEU Registration Office, 909.869.2288, for more details.**
Added by CEU, CalPoly Pomona on February 16, 2010