Attention Bloggers
You've got a blog.
And it is going nowhere.
Attend a complimentary preview call on
Wednesday, April 2, 2008 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Signup at Business Blog Essentials
You started a blog a couple days ago, a couple weeks ago, a couple years ago and it isn't doing anything for you. You thought blogging would be a fun way to write about something you're passionate about as well as make some money along the way.
So you started off on your merry jaunt with pep and zest, gleefully self-publishing and building what you hoped would be a resource for passion, publishing and profits.
Then reality hits.
You find yourself falling behind with your blog and losing touch with the topics you track and start wondering if it is even worth it to keep this running commentary online.
You have tons of draft posts saved but never publish them because you don't have the energy to finish them.
You have lots of comment spam to weed through and suddenly doing the dishes seems a like a lot more fun.
Your blog becomes a waste of money. Your blog becomes a waste of time. Your blog becomes dead weight.
Shouldn't there be some way to make money at this? The frustrating truth is: most blogs don't go anywhere.
Thousands of people all over the world start blogs every single day - and many of them hope to make money from their blogs. Maybe a few dollars here or a few dollars there... maybe enough to pay for their hosting.
But they are just wasting their time because they don't have a plan.
Find out how to move forward ... attend our complimentary preview call on Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Sign up at Business Blog Essentials ...
Official Website: http://www.BusinessBlogEssentials.com
Added by alex2007 on March 10, 2008