“Sit Means Sit” extraordinary seminars are sweeping the continent. “Sit Means Sit” has a proven track record of successfully transforming any dog – even the worst dog- into a super happy, off-leash trained companion.
We encourage you to bring us the worst dog you can find, or even the best dog that you know to see him get better. See dogs come in lacking confidence, scared, disrespectful, aggressive, and even dangerous… watch the changes in just one session. Confidence, joy, fun, performance, answers to problems… in fact an absence of problems!
This seminar will be held at Whittier Narrows Park and pre-registration is encouraged to ensure space availability. Further information for this event is available by contacting our Los Angeles Dog Training Office at 310-538-1553, or losangeles@sitmeanssit.com
FREE PREVIEW on October 9th Please call or e-mail for time and location.
Official Website: http://www.sitmeanssit.com
Added by Sit Means Sit on September 2, 2009