Take a Stand, SIT for Change!
Join the movement for Transformative Social Change
Saturday, September 18, 2010
National Day for Transformative Change
National | Local | Virtual
On Saturday, September 18, 2010 people, communities, and organizations across the country join together to Take a Stand...and SIT FOR CHANGE by participating in events featuring various forms of transformative practice including meditation, sit-ins, sun salutations and more.
In 3 simple steps, YOU can change the world OUTSIDE by changing from the INSIDE.
1) Commit to 108 minutes of inner change at a local SIT for Change event. Register as an individual, team, organization or sponsor.
2) Raise pledges from $5 to $500+ to support the power of inner change to affect social change.
3) SIT FOR CHANGE on September 18, 2010. Meditate. Organize a sit-in. Do yoga. Create your own 108 minutes of change from the inside-out!
Featuring Anchor Event: Berkeley SIT FOR CHANGE with outstanding local musicians, organization exhibits, inner practices, health, organic food, sustainable goodie bags, and speakers at Berkeley's Civic Center Park from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free & wheelchair accessible.
REAL change begins when the people that work for social change lead healthy, sustainable lives. With greater inner awareness comes greater balance, compassion, and presence. Working together, agents of social change become more effective in creating a more just, sustainable and equitable society for all.
Register and learn more:
Organizations: Learn how you can also raise money for your own organization as a SIT FOR CHANGE changePARTNER.
Proceeds benefit Transformative Change Fund - supporting low and no-cost inner awareness programs, empowering change-makers to lead more balanced, compassionate, sustainable lives.
Official Website: http://www.sitforchange.org
Added by FullCalendar on September 2, 2010