A 9 week or 90-Day Journey for Women to Heal the Sex and Spirit Split
Join us for a FREE Open House on Wednesday, May 20th from 6:45-8:45PM
Truth exists beyond the seeking, in a realm that is divine and ever present. When a woman tastes her own divinity, it connects her to all sisterhood. The recognition of this truth will transform your life. We invite you to join us this fall as we gather to delve beyond the dualistic split between body and spirit. We'll use tantric practices for deep sexual healing and an integration of all that is spiritual. This course is based on the work of Baba Dez Nichols and Kamala Devi, Sacred Sexual Healing: The SHAMAN method of sex magic.
The course fee is $497 Class size is limited.
To register for the 90 Day Journey, please go to:
The dates for this 90 day Journey are: June 3rd, 10th, 17th - July 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th - August 5th
If you have not already taken this course, an assessment interview is required before enrollment. This interview is free of charge.
Please Pre-register Space is limited and we often fill up.
Address: 1140 Emerald St. San Diego, CA 92109
Call: 858-272-2254 T-Th www.PartnerPlayshop.com
To Buy a book:
Organized by Kamala DeviKamala Devi is a Bliss Coach, Author of Don't Drink the Punch:An
adventure in Tantra, and Sacred Sexual Healing. For more info call:
858-272-2254 or visit
Ticket Info: SIT Open House, Free
Official Website: http://sitopenhouse-upcoming.eventbrite.com