Save the date for the sistereciprocity launch party at one of the most
gorgeous venues in Philadelphia -- the "pearl room" at XIX at Park
Hyatt at the Bellevue!When you come in you'll have an
opportunity to place your order with the Universe and watch Sister
Reciprocity work her magic on your behalf. Come for High Tea
and socializing plus bid on fabulous items in our silent auction. All
guests receive a strand of pearls to take home!Cost: $45Reserve now to get Early Bird pricing.(Tickets go up to $50 after April 30th).
http://sistereciprocitea-party.eventbrite.comSPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE: Starting at $100!
Learn more here:
Selection of Tea Sandwiches to Include:Brook Trout, Granny Smith Apples, Walnuts, Tarragon MayonnaiseAsparagus Proscuitto and Fig with Boursin CheeseEgg Salad, Parsley, Nutmeg and ChivesEnglish Cucumber with Olive and Red Pepper RelishScottish Smoked Salmon, Dill Cream Cheese, Capers* * *Golden Raisin and Buttermilk SconesServed Warm and Accompanied byBlood Orange CurdDevonshire CreamBonne Maman PreservesChocolate Eclairs, Fruit Tartlettes, FinancierLinzer Tart, Sable Cookie
Organized by sistereciprocitysistereciprocity is a community and a concept based on the idea that we each have something that someone else wants and they have something that could help us. We just need to find each other!
People seem to get it best when we explain sistereciprocity is a little bit Craigslist, a little bit Law of Attraction, a little bit Oprah.
Ticket Info: SistereciprociTEA Party & Networking Extravaganza!, $46.12
Official Website: http://sistereciprocitea-party-upcoming.eventbrite.com