Having been approached about starting a movie night, Dark Elvis decided to run SINISTER CINEMA twice monthly at the Forest Lodge Hotel. It is free of charge and held on Sunday evenings, to fit in with the pubs free events nights.
The second Sunday of eache month is "SUNDAY MYSTERY THEATRE" which will feature horror and sci fi classics, alternating with "SUNDAY SCREENING ROOM" on the second sunday of the month, featuring film noir, cinema classics and other genres. All sourced from the black and white cornucopia of the public domain.
Genres will stretch from horror to film noir to classic cinema. Also, short or feature works by local filmmakers will be encouraged!
This Week: (Fritz Lang's) "M" (1931)
...and there's FREE Popcorn.
Official Website: http://sydney.gothic.org.au/viewthread.php?tid=8343
Added by ozgenre on September 10, 2008