Sunday, November 16
doors open at 7:30pm
Mingle & Mix
Cocktail Social & Dance Party
MIX Ultra Lounge (formerly O' Hara's)
1903 Hollywood Blvd., Downtown Hollywood
I-95 to Hollywood Blvd. - East to N. 19th Ave.,br>
Mix Lounge on left corner - Turn left at 19th
Ave. and drive down one block to parking garage
or park along Hollywood Blvd. or on the circle
$10 with this ad - print & bring it - otherwise &15
Includes delicious appetizer buffet - DJ and dancing
Formerly O' Hara's...
Impressive Renovation. Part Martini Bar and part nightclub.
Whether you are inside or outside on the adjacent and cozy
patio terrace, MIX Ultra Lounge is a wonderful new place to
Mingle and MIX!
Remember: Print & bring this ad for a $5 discount
questions/office: 305 932 4192
Added by susanfunt on November 9, 2008