1089 - 1097 Marinaside Crescent
Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2Z4

Vancouver's Premier Single's Co.

Rendezvous Club


Singles MIX-and-MINGLE

Friday Night

For Singles Ages 35+

BOJANGLES in Yaletown

Limited Space - Advanced Booking is advised to guarantee access

Taking place at one of Vancouver's most unique ambiances, this event is a great new way to meet a month’s worth of singles in one night.
Enjoy complementary hot appetizers every week -- And every week has something different from Ice Breakers to Live Music.

Check out www.rclub.ca or other coming singles events and full details or call (604) 729 5990.

Official Website: http://www.rclub.ca/home

Added by rclub on May 11, 2007

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