Advance Registration required: 503 284 2795.
Are you too busy to find a date, burned out with Internet ads, not meeting a compatible partner, shy, or out of practice?
This event will provide a fun and safe venue to mingle with others.
Donna will present tips and facilitate various icebreakers and interactive activities.
6:30 pm – sign in, complimentary glass of wine, free appetizers
7:00 pm – 9 pm - Donna will give a 15-minute coaching session, complete with tips to use during the activities, icebreakers and interactive activities, Donna will walk around and engage in brief dialog with small groups.
Cost: $35.00 - Includes complimentary glass of wine and appetizers.
Age range: 30 +
To Register go to: inquiries on last minute availability call Donna 503.421.2558.
The maximum gender is limited to 27 EACH for both men and women. This will ensure balance during interactive activities.
Don’t miss out on this unique event; register today.
Other reasons to attend:
Wine counts as a serving of fruit!
Drinking wine conserves water!
Official Website: http://www.VINIDEUSBISTRO.COM
Added by freedomwine on March 8, 2009