740 W Foothill Boulevard
San Luis Obispo, California 93405

Get together with DOZENS of singles to exchange gifts in a FUN and INTERACTIVE Yankee Gift Exchange! This is a fun way to spend time with other singles and get to know each other. You might meet Mr/Ms Right, or at least make some good friends and have lots of fun.

We are doing this at
The Clubhouse
740 W. Foothill
San Luis Obispo
with a special discounted menu. Come to the website http://www.centralcoastsinglesonline.com/events.html to select from the menu so The Clubhouse will know what to prepare for the night.

Cost is only $5, bring a wrapped present (suggest $5 to $15) and buy your own dinner. Then the games and fun begin!

In the bar there will be world class Blues music, as with every Wednesday at the Clubhouse. We will have the music coming in to entertain us as we play, then when we are done we can go enjoy the music and kick back with our new friends. What could be more fun?

Don't miss this, and PLEASE RSVP with your menu selection from the website so we know what to tell them to prepare and make dinner go much faster.

Official Website: http://www.centralcoastsinglesonline.com/events.html

Added by Central Coast Singles on December 2, 2010