105 S. 2nd St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106

Are you tired of singledom? Do you just want to skip the hassle of online dating and meet people face to face in a comfortable safe environment?

Let Speed Date Philadelphia, Philly's premiere singles event company help you!

We host weekly events and singles mixers every Wednesday at 8PM at some of the best venues in Old City!

Complimentary appetizers, great drink specials, and a few drink giveaways are always part of our events! And now, becoming a client of ours between now and June 30th enters you to win a 5th Gen 8G Ipod Nano!!

For More information about our events please contact Event Director Christina Rose at 877-215-SINGLE or christina@speeddatephiladelphia.com

Added by ChristinaSpeedDate on May 20, 2010

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