Explore different restaurants each month while getting to know other singles in the age group of your choice . . . so even if there's no love connection you'll still have a wonderful time. You'll order off the menu and receive separate checks for your purchases. Our website allows you to view the profiles of those registered for each dinner, tracks who you've dined with so you meet new people every time, and then let's you send a private message to those you've dined with afterward.
For current space availability, to see who's going, and to register please visit our website at www.TastyBoston.net
This week join us at Ginger Park Kitchen & Bar
"NYC expat chef Patricia Yeo has brought her Southeast Asian street food to the South End space formerly occupied by Banq, where she’s serving a midpriced menu of small plates accompanied by wine and sake; the expansive, elegant setting has stayed the same – including the undulating wood ceiling sculpture – except for the bar, where the back wall has been removed to offer a view of the bustling cityscape." - Zagat.com
Added by tastyboston on October 24, 2009