1717 Vine St
Hollywood, California 90028

Explore different restaurants each month while getting to know other singles in the age group of your choice . . . so even if there's no love connection you'll still have a wonderful time. You'll order off the menu and receive separate checks for your purchases. Our website allows you to view the profiles of those registered for each dinner, tracks who you've dined with so you meet new people every time, and then let's you send a private message to those you've dined with afterward.

For current space availability, to see who's going, and to register please visit our website at www.TastyLA.com.

This week join us at Cleo.

"At this hot spot in Sam Nazarian's new (and very red) Redbury Hotel, located at one of the most famous intersections in the world, a wide-open kitchen serves affordable Med small plates, salads and items cooked in a wood-burning oven; the old-meets-new setting mixes open ductwork with elegant chandeliers and distressed mirrors, and silent film icon Theda Bara stares across the dining room via a giant graphic." - Zagat.com

Official Website: http://www.TastyLA.com

Added by tastyla on October 14, 2010