1101 Elko Dr.
Sunnyvale, California 94089

Nice way to meet single professionals with dinner, dancing and karaoke.

Dinner Party: 7:30PM to 9:00PM
Dance Class: 9:00PM to 9:30PM (Two Step)
Dance Party: 9:30PM to 11:00PM
Karaoke Party:11:00PM to 12:30AM

Dinner and Dance & Karaoke Party:
Members and Sponsoring: $25.00
Non-Members: $30.00
(AT THE DOOR: Not available, must prepay by check or credit card)

Traditional Chinese food including 2 appetizers, 3 chefs special & dessert, hot Tea.
Drinks (additional)
Cost does include tax and tip

We will have tables of four each hoping to pair two men and two women to a table.

Dance & Karaoke Party Only:
YAC Members: $10.00
Non-members: $15.00

Please visit our website: http://www.yourasianconnection.com/events/calendar.php
and pre-register or call Julia or Georgina at 408-557-8885 or

Official Website: http://www.yourasianconnection.com/events/calendar.php

Added by yourasian on August 2, 2007

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