2800 Sahara
Las Vegas, Nevada

Have you ever been to a party, nightclub or a bar, saw a lot of great people that you would love to meet, but did not quite know the best way to make your approach or adequately engage in a cleaver conversation with them? How about the fact that the people you find most interesting are all in small clicks? Even worse, the person or people that you are interested in aren't single at all? Well, at Singles Answers Now, we provide meet, mingle and network events for mature, professional singles throughout the valley. Our events are designed to provide you with the necessary tools to meet the right people, help strengthen your existing relationships as well as network with new and interesting people in a very unique way. Our events allow everyone attending the opportunity to interact and socialize with interesting people, get valuable answers to specific dating questions and concerns and win great door prizes in a fun, relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. We also have a buzz time for local business owners to spotlight their business or services.

If you are new in town, a little shy, would rather meet people face to face instead of hiding behind the internet or you've been here for years and just not getting the results you want with the traditional way of meeting the right people, then try something new. Try Singles Answers Now! Join us and meet the people you really want to meet.

Added by bluesun929 on April 19, 2009