57 Post Street
San Francisco, California 94104

Single Woman of a Certain Age

With editor / author Jane Ganahl and friends

Jane Ganahl, former San Francisco Chronicle columnist and co-director of Litquake, the Bay Area’s major literary festival, is the author of Naked on the Page: the Misadventures of My Unmarried Midlife, and the editor of the 2005 anthology, Single Woman of a Certain Age: 28 Women Writers on the Unmarried Midlife. Before leaving the San Francisco Chronicle in 2006, she wrote a column called “Single Minded,” which was by and for single women.
Jane Ganahl assembles a chorus of sophisticated, edgy and humorous voices who tackle the topic of being female, unmarried, and in one's prime in Single Woman of a Certain Age. In this inspiring evening, she will read from poignant and witty essays about women flying solo at midlife.

Also joining Jane will be contributors Kathi Kamen Goldmark author of, And My Shoes Keep Walking Back to You, Wendy Merrill author of, Falling Into Manholes, April Sinclair author of, Coffee Will Make You Black, Kim Addonizio author and poet, Little Beauties and Tell Me, and stage actress Anne Buelteman ("Les Miserables").

For reservations call 415-393-0100
or email at rsvp@milibrary.org

Official Website: http://www.milibrary.org/eventsall.html#1

Added by Pamela Troy on July 7, 2009