This niche speed dating event is targeted to all those busy single parents that have little time for yourself. With all those responsibilities, where does a single parent get the time to look for a potential love interest? Right here at SITC! Get out, have some fun and meet like-minded individuals at this well organized and stylish event.
The Curve hosts Salsa Wednesdays which includes a dance lesson after the speed date for all of those interested.
HOW IT WORKS: The night of the event your Single in the City host(s) will greet you at the venue. Once you sign in, you’re free to grab a cocktail and mingle as others arrive. Before the event starts your host or hostess will explain how the speed dating works. From there you will spend the next 2 – 2.5hrs on fast, fun dates!
Half way through the evening you will break for delicious appetizers and to get ready for the second round of dates. When the evening is done you will hand in your match card with your selections to the host or hostess…the rest is up to fate!
TIME: Sign in is from 7:15 - 7:30 with dating starting at 7:30pm sharp.
THIS EVENING INCLUDES: Up to 15 dates, delicious appetizers & a great evening out!
Official Website:
Added by Single in the City on February 21, 2012