45 Armenian Street
Singapore, Central Singapore

14 travelers return from journeys with stories waiting to be told. Through different story-telling methods, this multi-disciplinary work explores memory, travelling and the voices of a generation of twenty-somethings. Directed by Tan Liting and Thong Pei Qin, Re: Almost Left Behind invites the audience to decide what they want to see and do, creating their own memories as they sojourn through the piece with the performers.

This exciting site-based performance is presented by Thespis, an arts-interest group led by a driven team of National University of Singapore Theatre Studies students and alumni members who are interested in cultivating young artists in local tertiary institutions. In 2010, they expanded their membership to all students from all tertiary institutions and young working adults.

This production is presented under the Festival’s Platform Campus, a platform dedicated to bringing a deeper level of artistic development to the local educational institutions.

Official Website: http://www.singaporeartsfest.com

Added by Job Liang on March 28, 2011

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