1 Zubir Said Drive
Singapore, Central Singapore 227968

The image the world has of Cambodia is closely associated with the atrocities of the Pol Pot era. However, a closer look reveals a different story. Today’s Cambodia consists of a young and vibrant society, struggling to lift itself from isolation into the contemporary world, driven by its youthful population, eager to move forward while still coming to terms with the tragic legacy it has inherited. Their preoccupations now are with the struggles of the present – winning over widespread poverty, economic exploitation, corruption and lack of education. Just like any other progressive Asian populace, their hopes, dreams, struggles and desires unify them in a heady rush towards the complexity of the modern 21st century world.

Brussels-based choreographer Arco Renz will work closely with dancers from Phnom Penh based Amrita Performing Arts to physically translate the experience of these new conditions into the dance parameters of time, space and physical energy.

Tickets on sale at SISTIC.

Official Website: http://www.singaporeartsfest.com

Added by Job Liang on March 23, 2011

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