Whether you’re in a band, love to karaoke, belong to a choir, just enjoy singing in the shower – or have always wanted to sing, but think you can’t – Portland-based vocal coach Mark Bosnian can help you belt it out with confidence, stamina and soul. He shares his secrets in his new book, Sing Free Now! 3 Steps to Power Passion and Confidence (www.singfreenow.com).
On Sat. Nov. 12 from 6:30 p.m. – 9 p.m., Mark will hold a book signing and “real-time” coaching session at Jam on Hawthorne (2239 SE Hawthorne; 503.234.4790). The event is free and open to all; attendees are asked to pre-register with an email to info@SingFreeNow.com. Children are welcome until 9 p.m.
The event will feature group sing-alongs, student performances and other live demonstrations of the principals outlined in Mark’s book. These include tips to overcome the sometimes-paralyzing fear of singing, understanding body mechanics, prep for performance and much more. Attendees, singers and non-singers alike, will gain a new sense of empowerment that comes from “owning” one’s voice.
Added by Karamy on November 11, 2011