(from the makers of Leppotone Karaoke Overdrive and New Year’s Eve)
The Leppotone Social Aid and Pleasure Club proudly announces a Rock-and-Roll Class Reunion at the illustrious Kraftbrau Brewery of Kalamazoo.
$5 at the door gives you access to a rare reunion of two legendary local bands:
If you’re already a fan, then you know you need to be there. If you’re not familiar with them, a brief history lesson follows:
In the early 1990s, three Kalamazoo-area bands joined forces to combat self-important frowning within the local scene by forming the Leppotone Electrical Recordings label. The Sinatras (local legends of unclassifiable power pop), the Sleestacks (rock-opera composers and goof-groove merchants), and King Tammy (beautifully damaged folk-art metal men who are, sadly, unavailable for the rock-and-roll class reunion) were groups with musical styles that varied wildly from band to band, as well as from song to song. What they had in common, however, was more important: an outlandish sense of humor, performing/songwriting chops, and a wholehearted belief that live shows should be ENTERTAINING AND FUN.
Leppotone Showcase evenings featuring any combination of the three flagship bands (as well as recombinant offspring such as Twister, Triplemint, Fortune & Maltese and the Phabulous Pallbearers, etc.) gained cultural clout as the area’s best and most reliable underground entertainment value. Showcases could, and often did, include elements of film, theater, comedy, homemade special effects, and magic acts (no, seriously!), along with the genuine and distinctive rock-and-roll put forth by the bands.
August 11th’s Showcase show will revive this grand local entertainment tradition, with performances by both bands and surprises galore.
Vital Information
Date: Friday, August 11, 2006
Time: Doors open at 9 p.m., show begins at 10 p.m.
Location: Kraftbrau Brewery
402 East Kalamazoo Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
(269) 384-0288
Cost: $5 (beer/wine tab not included)
Official Website: http://www.leppotone.com/node/250
Added by nmclaughlin on August 8, 2006