1254 Boylston St.
Boston, Massachusetts 02215

The 3rd Saturday of each month.

Cyberesque a young designerlabel, founded in 2005 in the Netherlands, now located in
Berlin. The very first collection of cyberesque will be showed at Sin-o-Matic in a small
but stunning show. Cyberesque combines the dark atmospheres of the fetish, gothic, cyber,
anime, pin up world in a colorfull suprising mixture. Transforming the traditional corset
in a total new shape with unusual fabrics and unexpected details. Cyberesque....clothing
from above the stars...

Saturday January 20th
DJ Shivar/DJ Mothra
Dress code: ALL BLACK at the minimum. We encourage creativity ex. fetish, latex, goth, cyber, industrial, uniform, vinyl, schoolgirl, kinky lingerie, glam, kinky drag, ultra-formal.
Absolutely no blue jeans, sneakers, or sportswear.

There is an outdoor heated patio for smokers and drinkers. Pool tables and dancers for your entertainment.

Doors @ 10pm 21+
$7 10-10:30pm
$10 from 10:30 till close.
1254 Boylston St.
Boston Ma 02215

All information subject to change.

Official Website: http://vifetishparty.com

Added by fyreking on January 11, 2007