Simply Absurd: The Comedy of
Late Night with Conan O'Brien
Thursday, April 5; 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Comedy connoisseurs know that Late Night with Conan O'Brien is more than just another celebrity chat show; it's also home to some of the most inventive, provocative, and delightfully silly humor on television, including "If They Mated," "Celebrity Secrets," and, of course, "Triumph the Insult Comic Dog." Conan O'Brien and his crack(ed) team of writers will discuss their unique brand of lunacy, and may touch on the process of bringing such outré concepts to the screen; problems with the censors; the difficulty of generating fresh material for a nightly show . . . or they may not. It's an unscripted event.
In Person:
Conan O'Brien, Host
Mike Sweeney, Head Writer
Official Website:
Added by unclegrambo on March 2, 2007