116-120 Goswell Road
London, England EC1V 7DP

Simon Brown's 2 day Software Architecture for Developers course is about broadening your software development skills and has been designed to take full advantage of the technical knowledge that you already have. This could be Java, .NET or something else. Simon Brown's software architecture development course will make you more 'architecturally aware', and will help you to build better software.

Software Architecture for Developers is a comprehensive two day training course that will jumpstart your way to becoming a software architect. The course is an interactive introduction to software architecture and what it means to be a software architect. It's aimed at software developers who are looking towards their first software architect role, developers who want to become more architecturally aware and software architects who are new to the role.

Official Website: http://skillsmatter.com/course/design-architecture/software-architecture-developers/js-1641

Added by skills.matter on May 9, 2011