563 2nd Street
San Francisco, California 94107

Developers, designers, web 2.0 buzzworld lovers and haters, business owners, and tag-alongs are all invited to mingle with each other, and meet with Sigurd Magnusson, co-founder of SilverStripe.

SilverStripe is an open-source website application development platform. It contains a CMS focused on usability, and a PHP5-based framework like Ruby on Rails under the hood. It's used to run blogs through to social and government websites, and runs major websites like the Democratic Party's official DemConvention.com. SilverStripe is backed by a professional company that provides website development, along with a few thousand open source community members.

* New to SilverStripe? Need a better website? Come and get an overview!
* Want to meet other SilverStripe developers and interested fellows?
* Used the software for a year and want to engage in technical or strategy converstation?

If so, come along and grab a bite to eat and drink at the 21st Amendment :)

Official Website: http://www.silverstripe.com/san-francisco-meet-up-july-2008/

Added by SigurdMagnusson on June 26, 2008



Sorry, but flight delays means Sigurd won't be there on time for Tuesday evening. It has been pushed back to a lunch-time affair on Saturday, at the same venue.