This is a two day conference April 22 - 23, 2006.
In the last five years, software development has undergone a dramatic shift away from statically-typed, compiled languages and towards more dynamic languages like Perl, Python, and Ruby.
In the past year Ruby on Rails- a framework for quickly building highly interactive and robust web applications-has become the single most talked about framework in software. Rails also features built-in support for Ajax, which is the technology that provides the revolutionary rich user experience behind Google Maps, A9 and Writely.
If you're a software developer who's curious about the cutting edge and wondering what the noise is all about, SDForum and Ruby Central invite you to spend two days drinking from a ruby-colored firehose.
Learn from the Early Adopters. New technologies involve risk, pain, and a learning curve. Avoid the most disastrous mistakes, and learn how to quickly reap compelling benefits by learning from the people who've been there.
Understand the Enthusiasm. Experience the power of Ruby first-hand. Spend two days immersed in the world of Ruby and then decide for yourself.
Hear From Founders who are Risking it All. Thinking about a new startup? Wondering if Ruby makes sense for you? Hear from founders who decided to bet the farm on Ruby.
Topics and Speakers
(Check website often for updates)
* Test Driven Development in Ruby and Rails using Zen Test - Ryan Davis
* Rails 1.1 - Marcel Molina
* Ruby and Oracle - Hal Fulton
* Building a Mid-Air refuelling simulation system with Ruby - Rich Kilmer
* Stupid Ruby Tricks - Chad Fowler
* Distributed Ruby - Eric Hodel
* Behavior Driven Development in Ruby - Steven Baker
* Ruby and Rails Capacity Planning - Jason Hoffman
* Create your own tools: Building DSLs with Ruby - Joe O'Brien
Before 3/1 $149 SDForum Members, $199 Non-members; Before 4/1 $199/$249; After 4/1 $219/$269.
Phone: 408-414-5950
Added by FullCalendar on February 22, 2006
I'm too poor. Somebody please publish notes. :)