Wake Up, Wall Street!... and Smell the Microfinance
Speaker: Gil Crawford, MicroVest
Traditional microfinance institutions have been structured as nonprofits and funded by philanthropists... but not any more! In today's world, microfinance is increasingly viewed as a good commercial investment and Wall Street is waking up to this new asset class. Capital markets are developing specifically for the microfinance industry in new and exciting ways, from bond issues to venture funds to credit ratings to insurance products. Gil Crawford will speak about the challenges and opportunities that the future holds. Specifically he will talk about MicroVest, the microfinance fund he founded.
6:00 Dinner
6:30-8:30 Speaker & discussion
Cost: $20 for dinner ($10 for students & non-profits)
Official Website: http://svmn.wordpress.com/2006/09/20/oct9_gilcrawford/
Added by dmc500hats on September 30, 2006