140 S Murphy Ave.
Sunnyvale, California 94087

Join Mark Brooks of the famous OnlinePersonalsWatch.com site for drinks and dinner. All are welcome, in particular internet dating affiliates.

Affiliate Dinner is a chance to meet your contacts in the affiliate marketing space in person, and to make new contacts and new business.

RSVP to mark@onlinepersonalswatch.com.

Mark Brooks is a highly respected authority and Media Relations Expert in the industry of internet dating and social networking. Along with his role as an Online Personals Industry Consultant (Strategy, PR, Bus Dev), and his role of managing media relations for the Internet Dating Conference & Social Networking Conference, he has worked with companies including Friendster, Friendfinder, Cupid, PlentyofFish and TRUE.

About Online Personals Watch:
OnlinePersonalsWatch.com and SocialNetworkingWatch.com have no ads, no fluff, just raw news, interviews, official rankings and commentary relevant to the online personals industry. If there's something happening in the world of online dating and social networking, you'll find it here!

$25 - 30. RSVP to mark@onlinepersonalswatch.com

Official Website: http://www.onlinepersonalswatch.com

Added by FullCalendar on July 21, 2007