529 Bloor St. W.
Toronto, Ontario

‘Silent Seymour’ @ 12:30, ENDSVILLE @ 11:30, ‘Sunday Night Cruise’ @ 10:30 and ‘Boswalos’ @ 9:30. $6.00 at door

SILENT SEYMOUR's (www.silentseymour.com) unique blend of shoegazer inspired guitar textures and ragged indie-rock has garnered them attention from various local and national indie press outlets, Whether or not Silent Seymour will be the next darlings of Canadian (or even international) indierock has yet to be seen, but it doesn't matter. The fact is they're making excellent music, beyond their years and their experience, and thats a wonderful thing for all of us.

ENDSVILLE (ENDZ-vil) adjective, noun 1. Most excellent or the best. 2. Most undesirable; the end. 3. The band.

Endsville (www.endsville.ca) is a roots based rock band that will move you from the gentle delivery of pastoral whispers to the urgent call of city soaked screams in the space of 4 minutes. While weaving the tales, and taking out the trash of our lives, ENDSVILLE produces a sound that is familiar, yet original, with traces of influences like Elvis Costello, Iggy Pop, Ron Sexsmith and REM all wrapped up in a powerful and emotional delivery.

Also on the bill:
Sunday night Cruise

Official Website: http://www.leespalace.com

Added by kjolie on January 9, 2007