Many of you were asking about the next show. Well, we have a special treat. The next show just happens to be in just three weeks - June 12, 2010 from 8-10:00 pm. It's an outdoor, Family friendly (all-ages) show presented by Sycamore Township for their "Twilight Concert Series". The concert will take place at the McDaniel Sports Complex on Solzman Road.
Directions: I-275 E to right on Montgomery Road, Left at Kemper, Right to 11797 Solzman.
Buy refreshments and non-alcoholic beverages at concession stands or bring your own coolers (including alcohol). Bring blankets or folding chairs because there aren't seats. Oh, and most FREE.! So, spread the word and bring friends!
Added by jonstankorb on May 31, 2010