2001 Cottle Avenue
San Jose, California 95123

May 15-16, Saturday 10:00 AM to Sunday 9:30 AM

"Relay For Life of Willow Glen organizers encourage you to gather up to 15 of your friends, family or co-workers for a unique 24-hour event in Willow Glen that raises funds for the American Cancer Society," says Jenn Lesser, Chair of the 2010 Relay For Life in Willow Glen.

"Join teams from across San Jose as they raise money for the American Cancer Society, walk the track at Willow Glen High School, play games, listen to live music, camp-out, and experience the night-time, candle-led walk and reading of names of local cancer Survivors and those that have lost their lives to the disease," adds Lesser.

"Relay For Life of Willow Glen is a spirited effort to make a difference in the lives of those who may some day get cancer and in the daily lives of those that need tremendous support today," continues Lesser. "Funds raised go to the American Cancer Society's lifesaving mission for research, advocacy, education and free support services."

To date, Relay For Life of Willow Glen has raised over one million dollars for the American Cancer Society.

Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society's signature event, held in more than 4,800 communities across the country. In Willow Glen, as in other South Bay cities, it is a fun and unique 24-hour event created to increase cancer awareness while raising much-needed funds for the American Cancer Society's programs and services. Teams composed of up to 15 people formed by local businesses, community groups and individuals raise funds prior to the event. At the Relay, team members take turns walking or running around a track, relay-style and enjoy fun activities and entertainment off the track.

For more information on the American Cancer Society and Relay For Life, please call 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit www.cancer.org.

Official Website: http://www.relayforlife.org/willowglenca

Added by FullCalendar on January 28, 2010

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