Washington, D.C., District of Columbia

Help staff the Sierra Club table at this great community festival! Enjoy live music, good food, and the amazing diversity of the Adams Morgan neighborhood. Help us get the word out on important local conservation issues like the effort for better Metro service and the fight to save Klingle Valley.
Volunteers are needed for one- to two-hour slots starting at 12:00pm. Sign up by emailing Chris Carney at chris.carney@sierraclub.org

The festival is on 18th St. between Florida Ave. and Columbia Rd. It is a 10-15 minute walk from each of the following Metro stations:
Woodley Park/Zoo (Red Line)
Dupont Circle (Red Line) ? use the Q St. exit
U St./Cardozo (Green Line) ? use the U St. exit
Columbia Heights (Green Line)

Contact Information:
Sierra Club ? Metro DC Office
Chris Carney, Conservation Organizer

Added by MetroDC-SierraClub on July 13, 2005

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