You may have heard the warnings about eating too much tuna and other fish. That?s because some fish can be high in mercury, and 1 in 6 women of childbearing age already has enough mercury in her body to put a baby at risk of developmental problems.
Are you concerned that you might be at risk? Now, the answers are just a snip away. The Sierra Club will be hosting a free mercury hair-testing event. By cutting and sending in a small piece of hair, a lab will let you know exactly how much mercury is in your body, and what you can do about it. Come to the Lords and Ladies Salon at 605 Franklin Street in Alexandria on Wednesday, August 24th, at noon and find out. To reserve your space, please phone Chris Carney at 202-237-0754.
Added by MetroDC-SierraClub on August 12, 2005