3203 Mt. Pleasant St. NW
Washington, D.C., District of Columbia 20010

Join us for free beer and become part of Sierra Club's mission to explore, enjoy, and protect the planet.


7 - 9 PM, Wednesday, October 26
Marx Cafe | 3203 Mt. Pleasant St NW, Washington DC
For information, call Chris Carney at 202-237-0754
Chris.Carney@SierraClub.org | www.SierraClub.org/DC/Sprawl

This event is for:Anyone who wants to meet fun green-minded folks, get more involved in local conservation issues, and enjoy free beer.

Marx Cafe is at 3203 Mt. Pleasant St NW, near the corner of Mt. Pleasant St NW and Lamont Street NW.

Marx Cafe is a 10 min. walk west of the Columbia Heights Metro Station (Green Line), and a 20 min. walk east of the Cleveland Park Metro Station (Red Line).

Marx Cafe may be reached by the following buses: 42, H3, H4, H5, H7, and H8
Marx Cafe is one block west of 16th Street NW, served by the S1, S2, and S4 buses.

Click here for map and directions: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=3203+Mt+Pleasant+St+NW,+Washington,+DC+20010&spn=0.028543,0.045743&hl=en


Added by MetroDC-SierraClub on September 28, 2005