Also known as "Sierra Club and Beer"
Sierra Club and Beer takes place the third Tuesday of every month, starting at 6:00 pm, at Titanic Brewery (5813 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables, FL 33146-2422).
Sierra Club and Beer is a great way to learn about environmental issues that effect us in Miami and South Florida, while having fun and getting to meet like-minded people.
All are welcome, but only 21 and over will be served alcohol. Contact Mike Matthews at or Ken Smith at (305) 801-6876 for more information.
Also, we have the MiamiSierra Yahoo! Group listserve up-and-running. Members receive and may post to the listserve. Posts to the listserve are sent as E-mails to each member, enabling us to disseminate information regarding call-to-actions, hot topics, or simply Sierra Club news. To join the Yahoo! Group go to on the web (click on “join this group!”), or email Mike Matthews at
Added by greenermiami on March 12, 2007