This hour-long class prepares children, ages 3 - 8, for the birth of
a new family member. Information on pregnancy, birth, and life with a
new baby is presented at a young child's appropriate learning level.
Classes examine what life is like having a new baby in the family, how
babies behave, and the ways that family life can be affected by new
Also included are sounds of a mothers heartbeat from her belly,
sounds of a mom having a contraction, age-appropriate illustrations
depicting childbirth, as well as a brief labor and age-appropriate
birth enactment using a doll. This is a positive and encouraging
environment for children and parents.
Sibling preparation is taught by Jordan Saalfrank. Jordan is a
Master of Social Work and focused most of her training on therapy with
children and families. Jordan recommends checking out Great Starts
informative article on the significance of sibling preparation.
Organized by Birth MattersBirth Matters
Ticket Info: Registration, $25.00
Official Website: http://bm-sp-2009-04-upcoming.eventbrite.com