ETA's Showfolk series presents 'Destination Freedom,' featuring renditions of the original groundbreaking radio broadcasts of: 'The Making Of A Man' The Story Of Frederick Douglass (Parts I And II) and "Truth Goes To Washington" The Story Of Sojourner Truth. The original 'Destination Freedom' marked the first time in radio history that black performers held recurring leading roles, the most prominent performers were Oscar Brown, Jr. and Fred Pinkerd. "Imagination" is a part of cognizant thinking. Through the advent of radio stories, audiences were able to "see" the drama through the power of their imaginations. We're inviting you to witness a part of artistic history that was prominent at a time before television. This is a great educational tool for grade school, high school and college students, in its exploration of a significant event in American broadcasting.
Added by Upcoming Robot on January 18, 2010