20 people surrounding one mac and a projector, showing each other things on the internet.
( read the notes from the last meet http://icanhaz.com/tuttlePadJuly09 )
no prep
no schedule
no agenda
no context
make it fun, educational, awesome, entertaining, inspiring, etc..
let's see where the conversation takes us.
you can:
take notes
record/stream anything/everything
just show youtube videos
show us what you've been working on
share things you've discovered
talk about your friends work
experiment with things live with the group
please bring your non-geek friends too! this is a cultural exchange :)
no singing. unless it's funny.
no pressure to be there at 5pm, come along whenever you can make it, then we'll probably go to the fountain head pub afterwards.
Website: http://brightonsocialmediacafe.pbwiki.com/Show
Official Website: http://brightonsocialmediacafe.pbwiki.com/Show
Added by remysharp on July 10, 2009
Notes from this Show & Tuttle can be found here: http://icanhaz.com/tuttlePadJul09