Wasatch Chorale, directed by Dr. Reed Criddle and assistant director Steve Durschi, will take to the stage to "Shout and Go Round," with performances of Americana folk tunes and spirituals. Highlights of the evening will include the vivid imagery of Robert Frost's poetry set to music in Randall Thompson's "Frostiana." The audience will enjoy some of the famous poet's most popular works including, "The Road Not Taken," "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening," "Choose Something Like a Star" and more. In addition, the renowned local group will perform colorful music from the Caribbean mass, "St. Francis in the Americas," performed with steel drums and other percussion instruments. As an added treat, Wasatch Chorale's guest performers for the evening will be children from Orem's Vineyard Elementary Children's Chorale, under the direction of Luanalei Turetzky.
Added by WhenCorp on February 23, 2013