A Way to Give Back to Ourselves
-by John Ram
March 19-21, 2010 will be forever known as Shop Richmond Weekend. That weekend will be a celebration of Greater Richmond’s locally owned businesses. To commemorate the occasion, Shop RVA will be implementing a number of initiatives to encourage residents to shop and dine locally that weekend.
One initiative is the kick-off at Shop Richmond Weekend's Campaign Office. On Saturday, March 20th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. all are welcome to stop by Artisan Alley (Headquarters of Curated Culture's First Fridays Artwalk) located at 323 W. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23220 to have fun and win prizes, all while learning more about your local businesses. Shop RVA will also be promoting various local businesses via grassroots media and community outlets.
The campaign is a fight not only for the survival of the Richmond Economy, but also for the preservation of culture and art endemic to Richmond, Virginia. How further must we wait for aid from our Government that will not come anytime soon? The recession has taken it’s toll on our country and with devastating results. State’s are cutting back on programs and increasing taxes to reduce their budgetary deficits. And unemployment is still rampant across the country.
Despite, the outlook we can persevere. The more we support our Richmond based businesses, the better we’re equip in reducing our carbon footprint, strengthening our local economy and increasing job creation. We can not stress enough the importance of the public’s role and support in this matter. For our sanctity, for our heritage, and for Richmond we urge all residents to come out the weekend March 19-21, 2010 and buy locally.
Contact contact@shoprva.org with any questions!
Added by hope.rvanews on February 23, 2010