Are you comfortable using PSC equipment but want to improve your skills shooting a sequence and self directing? This 2-day course will give you a good introduction and help you to avoid some of the more common pitfalls.
Hopkins Street (corner of Peter Street), Soho, W1F 0HS
London, LONDON United Kingdom
Course Content
Course Outline
What do you want to say / portray?
The camera is selective and can eliminate or include
Both picture and sound tell the story
Shooting to a script/shot list/story board
Drama, Documentary, Obs Doc, Current Affairs/News
Shooting Actualite?
Single or multi-camera
Lighting or available light - High Key / Low Key
Mood and Pace
Gentle/Lyrical - Tripods, slow smooth movements - Tracks, Pans, Steadycam
Mobile / Edgy - Hand-held (+ steady cam), quicker movements/pace
Dissolves / mixes - allowing for
Use of the Tripod - Pans / Tilts / Monopod
Use of the Zoom - Manual / servo
Changing angles by changing position / lenses
Hand-held shooting - camera position, braces / supports
Tracks - suitcase dollies, ladder dollies, 'Elemack/Pee-wee' dollies
Jib Arms / Cranes
Car Rigs, Special mounts, Gun Cameras
Basic framing - looking room / head room
Shot Size convention - C/up, MCU, MS, MLS, LS, GV etc
Aspect Ratios
Lens Angles - Wide Angle - short focal length
Tight Angle - Long Focal Length - Telephoto
Compressed and exaggerated distances
Apparent speed of travel to and from lens
Special lenses - Fish Eye, Macro, Dioptres, Wide Angle adaptors
Lens Height - effect of
Movement in frame - continuity of direction / crossing the line (intro)
Interior simple action sequence
Master Shot / Close-Up of Action / Close-Up of Face / Reverse Over-the Shoulder/ Art shot
Edit the sequence
Hold shots steady 7-10 secs
Let subjects enter and leave frame
Overlap the Action
Preserve continuity of movement / direction
Avoid 'crossing the line'
Do at least 3 different shots for a sequence
Change lens angle AND change camera position between shots
Do relevant cut-aways
Consider the sound track - keep it clean, don't turn off
Consider doing wild tracks (sound)
Simple 'Splice-In / Over-write' techniques
Selecting the right moment to cut
Having enough material / Shots / Cut-Aways
Overlapping the Action
Underlaying / Backlaying Sound
Wild Tracks Commentary
Fast Cutting
Matching Shots for Exposure / Contrast / Colour
Matching Sound Levels
Music and Effects
SEQUENCE 2 (TBC) - Planning The Shoot - Story Board /Shooting The Sequence
Description (a suggestion - good weather)
Static Car - One Actor
Person approaches car, puts briefcase in boot, moves to driver's door, unlocks door, gets in vehicle, sees message on dashboard, reads message, makes mobile phone call (dialogue), starts vehicle, drives off.
Shots - Plan sequence, consider position of car/ease of shooting/lighting/sound etc
Wide establisher, ms and Cu briefcase in boot, reverse actor approaches car, cu feet, ms actor goes to car door, cu keys in lock, ws actor gets in, reverse interior gets in,cu note, cu face, wide ext thru windscreen, ms phone call, cu phone, cu face, W/T other end of conversation, ms puts down phone and starts engine (w/t sound?), cu ignition-keys, ms safety belt, cu exhaust pipe, ws-ms car drives away.
Date 12th/13th July 2010
Cost £550.00 (exc. VAT)
To book visit rave.ac.uk/shortcourses or email shortcourses@rave.ac.uk
Official Website: http://www.rave.ac.uk/shortcourses/?menu2=3&menu3=9&detail=56&nm=Shooting+a+Sequence+-+12th%2F13th+July+2010
Added by ravensbourne on May 24, 2010